Thursday, August 4, 2011

Roasted Montreal Steak and Brisket Rub

This my version of a Montreal Steak Rub.  It is a work in progress and I am constantly trying new things with it.  Hopefully it will give you some inspiration to experiment or try my spice mixture.  Most of the ingredients you may already have but two we will make ourselves.

  • 4 tablespoons of Kosher Salt
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh ground pepper corn blend (course)
  • 2 tablespoons ground red pepper
  • 2 tablespoons ground cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dill seed
  • 1 tablespoon celery seed
  • 2 tablespoons of roasted onion flakes (see below how to make)
  • 2 tablespoons of roasted garlic (see below how to make)
  • Spray olive oil
  • Empty spice jar.   I get these from the Fresh Market grocery store.  The glass is easy to clean and does not retain the smell of spices when washed and reused.
  1. Mix salt, peppers, seeds together.
  2. Take white onion and make paper thin slices.  Continue to chop until you have basically a minced onion.  Make more than what you think you need.
  3. Do the same for the garlic.
  4. Take aluminum foil and make 2 small cooking sheets.  Spray the olive oil on the foil and spread out the onion and garlic on there own sheet.  Respray with olive oil.
  5. Put in oven at 150° and check every 30 minutes.  They are done when they are a light brown color and are dry to touch.  The purpose is not to cook the onions and garlic but to dehydrate it while giving a toasty flavor.  Garlic should get done in half the time of the onion.  Expect about 2 hours for the garlic and over 4 hours for the onion.
  6. Measure and mix in garlic and onion with other spices.  Mix it thoroughly and put in airtight container.  The container shown below is not airtight so I store the jar in a Ziplock bag.
Use this as you would with any Steak or Brisket Rub.  I prefer to use it by rubbing meat with some extra virgin olive oil and then a liberal coating of the rub.  Then either sear it on a cast iron skillet or the grill a couple minutes a side and finishing on indirect heat.  Store in airtight container as any dehydrated product will absorb moisture from the air.  If the garlic or onion seems to be spongy after a while throw it out.

  • A store bought chopped dried onion flakes and minced garlic can be used. However you will loose the roasted flavor.
  • My original recipe called for double the Kosher salt.  I cut it down and it works well for me.  Plus doctors say too much is bad for you.  
  • Don't use crushed red pepper.  It is great on pizza but adds nothing to this spice mix.

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